Geng Panda Slim

Friday, November 30, 2012

I'm the one damn bitch lady.

I hate this silly think inside my brain: Some people will keep and see me as I'm the one damn bitch lady. I won’t comment anymore. I have explained everything. To believe or not, I won’t dare to say any word. Enough to be perfect for others satisfactions... I want to be myself. I had apologized for what I've done. Yes I'm wrong man and how can I controlled myself when I’m half dead (sleep).   

Okay, I take it, all that was my fault. I have a human heart (I’m pulling myself to type this and posted it on the Blog). But you will never able to see it coz you see me in the negative way all the time. And don’t be bother to change, I don’t need that anymore. Cukup sudah perasa yang saya dapat!

Kasarkan bahasa aku? Ya aku mengaku aku kasar. Aku bukan lemah lembut. Tapi sabar aku ada juga batas bah. Saya faham, sukar bagimu untuk percaya pada aku dan begitu juga mereka pun sukar untuk percaya pada aku. Apa lagi aku nak buat. Aku memang jahat pada mata kalian. Aku tak akan berusaha lagi untuk mengubah itu. Aku sudah penat. Aku nda canang juga sama semua orang. Hanya aku yang tahu. 

Yang Penting HATI Bah.


NasQ said...


krole said...

sabar pren..nada manusia perfect dlm dunia ni~ jangan ckp gtu ya...biasalah tu..lain org lain ragamnya...sesuai cara dgn keadaan~

Mouren said...

Now, who is the narrow minded bitch that only sees you in negative way?

Cool down gorgeous. Before, I had the same silly thinking like you too but I just (or terpaksa) let it go...malas mau layan perasaan geram bah!!

panda montel said...

@Tukang Karut hahahha ya you should!

panda montel said...

@krole Exactly that one i wanna em to understand ba krole but.... arghhh they seem never notice that.

panda montel said...

@Wyne Mouren im cool now. hehe sometimes.... terlayan bila sabar sudah habis.... hehhee mana lagi mau meluah kan kalau bukan blog hehe

Nik said...

sabar yea dear :)

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