Geng Panda Slim

Friday, August 28, 2015

She Did It

Wehu wehuuuuu, 

Leona is on the move. And that is just too great. 

Within these three days, she amazingly proves that she can walk. She proves she is a determine young Lady too (like mama huh?) hehe

Yes she can’t (might) walk faster, but she shoves away all my wariness and yeah I am so happy
Mommy I did it. I can walk too

Look like Leona talk to me like that everyday.
To be fair, my husband had downloaded this kind of baby’s first step from Youtube and I played it all day long. What?  Yes, all day long. Probably, that’s boost my little girl confident to practice even harder. She improves a lot, seem like she had been practice for two week bah.

Thank you GOD, Thank you Leona, Thank You Husband, And thank you to all of my real friends and family who pray the best for my Little Leona.

I have uploaded the Video on You Tube.
Selamat Menonton hehehe

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Tunung D. said...

Siuk kan tingu development anak wen..

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