Genap seminggu menjadi Isteri kepada Mr Gabril. Sungguh lega rasanya bila majlis perkahwinan sudah selesai. Seronok? Yes, of course. Seronok bila menyedari insan tercinta kini bergelar suami dan akan berkongsi apapun dengan kita. Seronok bila mengetahui bahawa mulai 8 Jun 2013, status bertukar isteri kepada suami tercinta dan akan menjadi tulang belakang dan pembimbing pada kehidupan bersama nanti. That is what GOD said, “…not two but one”.
Sedikit kisah kami berdua.
Perkenalan kami bermula di SMK Timbua pada tahun 2001. Ketika itu aku rasakan dia ini sungguh teramat menyengalkan. X SUKA! Kami tak pernah bercakap. Kelas pula hanya bersebelahan. Bila subjek Pendidikan Moral, kelas kena bergabung, tu yang buat aku meluat.
Tahun 2002, kami di tempatkan di kelas yang sama (suamiku memang lebih tua dari aku, kenakalannya menyebabkan persekolahannya terbantut di peringkat sekolah rendah selama dua tahun) namun kami tetap tidak pernah bertegur. I don’t know him but me; I still hate him for no reason! I never speak to him even though he said he ever tried to speak to me while in form 2. Haha kejam sungguh diriku.
2003, yes cerita bermula di sini. Form 3, bermula dengan kirim salam malu-malu darinya. Hahaha… then surat menyurat. Dating hanya 2/3 kali di sekolah. Then entah semangat apa yang merasuk dia sehingga suatu ketika dia berani berjumpa dengan semua orang tua (mami, uncle, gapa and auntie). Bermula saat itu semua orang tuaku terpaut dengan dia. I don’t know this until my uncle told the story a day after our wedding. I am proud of you Dear HUSBAND. No wonder mumy keep asked me to forgive and be with him again while we break off.
2004 – 2011, hubungan kami berdua menjadi hubungan jarak jauh. Banyak hal yang sakit dan pedih berlaku dalam tempoh ini. 7 tahun ini amat menyakitkan untuk kami berdua. For me, honestly, I never forget him even though we’ve break off for quite longer than before. Around two years. We even tried to be in a relationship with somebody else. But doesn’t work and we both can’t forget each other. Hahaha here are the silliest story for both of us. We even said to sacrifice our feeling towards each other for them (people that we benn tried to be in relationships). LOL. It’s silly isn’t it? Sedangkan hati kami jelas tak dapat melakukan itu. Haha Bodohnya kami berdua.
2011-2013, it is in the middle of 2011 that we back in touch again via Facebook. Then re-exchange our phone number and then the story begins again. The New WEN and GAB are the more mature than before. Our love is stronger than before, that I can guarantee and bring us for engagement. Actually it is our family forced us to be tied up in an engaged relationships, haha. Perhaps dey all takut kami berpisah kembali. Well as for us, dah tak akan ada perpisahan lagi. It is enough. There are more than enough tears I had along the years of 2004-2011. And no more, that is what my (now) husband told me as we start new relationships and me too, NO MORE Pain and hurts! Friends and family around us know how much it’s tortured us.
8th June 2013 – Our Wedding day.
Sorry For the Pic Quality. |
Pre Wed Pic... Feel Happy to CLICK... Posted here 1st Havent seen on Fb hehe |
Pre Wed Pic... Feel Happy to CLICK... Posted here 1st Haven't seen on Fb hehe |
To all readers, xsemestinya kanak-kanak yang bercinta pada usia dini itu palsu. Berikan mereka bimbingan yang sepatutnya dan jadilah tulang belakang mereka. Beritahukan segala kemungkinan bagi sebarang tindakan yang mereka pilih. GOD Will. Yes we both proud of our own love. We struggling for our love, we fight for it. And we both will keep struggling for it for the rest of our lives, as GOD said; there is no divorce in CHRIST except death separate the two soul. I remembered the bow I make to him as he remembered his too.
Yang Penting HATI Bah.
form 3 dah berani jumpa ibu bapa.. bukan sebarangan orang boleh buat macam tu.
wow... tahniah...
Tahniah wen. Happy married ♥ may your marriange bring great joy. Love and passion in your life ;)
tahniah wen..
upload byk2 lagi gmbr kt fb plis..!
Once again.. congratulation to both of you! You both deserve a happily ever after relationship after all the tortures.. happy wedding!!
Tahniah :)
Tahniah wen.. happy wedding with mr hubby.. semoga bahagia ok.. menunngu saat ada anak pula.. hehe.. :P
Lama juga terpisah, jodoh kauorang memang kuatlah..
iklan buudy "kami buddy , kami takkan terpisah"
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Bace dah, Gelak dah, Nangeh da? Hmm KOMEN LEEE.. :P